What are the opening hours for customer service?

Our customer service is available on +41 52 245 05 60 from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 CET (excluding public holidays).

In case, your call is not answered, please contact us and we will respond promptly.

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How should I contact you?

To get in touch with us, simply click here or on any “contact us” button on our webpage, and fill out the form.

Our Customer Service team is also available to assist you by phone at +41 52 245 05 60 from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 CET (excluding public holidays).

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Where can I ask for advice on your products?

Our website features a helpful ChatBot that can assist you with any questions you may have.

Additionally, our Customer Service team is available to assist you by phone at +41 52 245 05 60, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 CET (excluding public holidays), or here.

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What is your policy on client reviews posted online?

We highly value your feedback on Escentina’s products and sincerely appreciate the time you’ve taken to share your experience with us. Your testimonials, whether positive or offering constructive criticism, are instrumental in helping us enhance our products and services. In the event that we opt not to publish a testimonial, our Customer Service team may contact you to gain deeper insights into your feedback and actively work towards improving our product quality and service standards. It’s important to mention that, for publication purposes, we might make minor edits to your testimonials for spelling and length. Additionally, please be aware that we may feature them in our marketing materials and promotional content. Your contribution plays a crucial role in our ongoing commitment to delivering excellence.

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